

Welcome to the Alma
Brand Platform!

Designed to give you access to the essential elements of our visual identity.
Please note the following guidelines for responsible use of our resources:

1. We ask that you use the Alma logo appropriately,
preserving the integrity of our brand.

2. Before using the logo, please contact us by e-mail via
our contact page to obtain our prior approval.

3. Upon receipt of a specific request from Alma,
please remove the logo from your communications.

Thank you!



We know, we know, you would never do this. But just in case:


Vibrant, accessible and simple, our five core colours help us stand out from the crowd.


Primary palette usage

As you have already seen, orange, white and black take the lead in our brand palette. Blue and yellow still have an important role to play though, bringing a dash of energy and optimism into the mix.


Secondary palette

Our secondary palette of softer tones has been specifically created for our user interface, providing clarity and moments of calm.


Secondary palette

Our secondary palette is designed for use across our website. Our core black and white have a high contrast, which can cause some discomfort when reading. That’s why we’ve introduced ‘Soft Black’ and ‘Off White’ to improve legibility and comfort for our readers.


Typography use




Here are illustrations designed by Pelo Studio to
simplify the message, enrich Alma’s identity and
inspire emotion throughout the buying process.


A legible and distinctive graphic universe

The graphic treatment of the illustrations was designed to integrate coherently with Alma’s identity, without competing with it. The illustrations are intended to be legible on both a small and large scale.


Which assets ?

The graphic treatment of the illustrations was designed to integrate coherently with Alma’s identity without competing with it. The illustrations are intended to be legible on both a small and large scale.


How to use

The elements are presented in an isometric grid to
simplify perspective and reading, and the construction
grid allows the same perspective to be maintained
whatever the scale of the illustration.





The colours used for the characters’ objects, accessories and clothes follow the Alma visual identity chart, with additional colours added to represent the different skin tones of the characters in a n unbiased way.


We ve got two distinct typefaces, chosen to help you bring the personality behind our words to life.

Argent CF

For headlines and display

Argent CF text can be left or centre aligned, whichever is more appropriate for the canvas it’s appearing on.


For body copy and details

We always use sentence case . Never capitalise all words in headlines or bodies of text.

Banners and badges

Inform your customers that they can pay on their items in instalments with Alma. Banners and badges are generally placed next to your products.


How to use them

We recommend putting the banners at the top of your shop’s main page or product page section, or in the sidebar.


How to use them

We recommend placing it next to your products so your clients can see it.


All banners and badges are available in three colour versions : orange, black, grey and white. Prioritise the orange version whenever you can. You can find more details and download the assets below.

The Beat

A distinctive, dynamic emblem of our core brand idea, The Beat is an absolutely fundamental part of our brand and is present in everything we do.

The Beat

How to use it

Illustrated as a set of radiating lines, decreasing in size as they spread outward: The Beat is a simple idea, but it can be used in many ways across our brand.

To the right, you’ll see the static version is the primary version of The Beat, but we’ll detail a number of alternative uses below. Need guidance on how to use it in motion? Head to our separate motion guide.

The Beat

Cropping The Beat

The Beat

The Beat colourways

The Beat has two different colourways: the primary version on a white background or the secondary solid white version on an orange background. The orange background colourway is for merchant use only and the primary white is for everything else.

The Beat


The Beat is perhaps the most expressive part of our new brand, but don’t let it get too expressive.

Tone of voice

Here are four simple principles inspired by our brand personality to help you make Alma’s voice heard.


Progress Find The Beat

We’re always moving forward. Always writing in forward motion, but it’s not about punch. It’s about pace. Getting to the point and onto the next one with a calm, collected confidence that leaves the reader fully engaged and energised.

Empowerment Put people at the

We’re here to help people. So, show them they’re top of mind. Speak directly (lots of ’you / your’). Make it easy for them to act, with compelling calls to action. And in our content, make people a feature, highlighting their stories, products, and passions personalising wherever possible so they can clearly imagine what Alma can do for them.

Clarity Simplicity is the
ultimate sophistication

Life is complicated. Alma isn’t. We never use a long word when a short one will do. We’re precise. We put the most important info first and dive into detail later. And if we absolutely have to talk about something complex, dull or technical, we break it down so everyone’s on the same page.

Integrity Honesty is the best

Our industry has… a bit of a reputation problem. We want to show people there’s a better way. So, every message (from the longest letter, to the quickest tweet) should build trust. Keep people informed. Elevate the facts. And be refreshingly, unfailingly honest.

Tone of Voice

Our audiences

We stay true to ourselves and our writing, no matter our audience. It’s the same Alma, just in a different room and we adapt our language to the context by discussing different topics and meeting different needs.